Well, we sure don’t miss spring here at the Sled Den….
This morning we woke up to 8 inches of new snow!!
It was still snowing hard when we left the house.,,,and as we drove down the road it was apparent that there would be even more snow where we were going to ride…..Whoohoo!
Headed to AREA X today.. When we got to where we launch the sleds (2000 ft) the snow was 1 ½ feet deep… .This was real POW POW…..no wetness to it….
Unloaded the sleds and headed up into the mountains. When we reached 2500 ft and 7 kms into the Chic-Chocs, the snow was over 2 feet….We got to just a little higher and then it was closer to 3…..OK I will say it…..I think it was 3 feet of real POW POW….
Can you believe it ?......in APRIL!!!!......Had a real good time with the boys and Chantal. Like the last time… and they still have to come back to do a spring….
This, for sure, was as good a storm as the one we got on New Year’s day.....Shall be out again with my friends tomorrow….Then some killer riding on Monday with some locals...in the pow pow...Jack
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