Unfortunately, The Sled Den is closing for sledding….it’s the end of the season……whimper, whimper…..
Yep, the snow is still rideable but it’s just too much trouble to ride now……. Last week was mint all the way in but this weekend, although we rode from 1800 ft the first day, the next day we had to drive another 1.5 kms farther up the mountain.
The snow on the road had all melted. There had been close to a foot, but with 24 C during the day and overnight 18 C…..well, it’s all melting fast. The road got ruined ‘cause the water flows straight down. We had some dirt to deal with but nothing too bad. Once we got away from the roads the snow was good.
Next year’s Spring Fling will probably have to be Mother’s Day weekend……after that the snow disappears fast…..
The guys from Risky Maneuvers were up to the task of riding hard one more time. We all had a blast and got burned from the sun…..lol..…Tons of photos to carry us through for the rest of the summer…..
Thanks to our friends at Sled The East and Risky Maneuvers …...thanks also to Bikeman Performance for all their help and great products they have. Sure was nice hearing the CANS in the Trees. If you missed that, there will be videos……also Polaris Matane (Boutique de La Moto) for the great service they gave us and everyone else……..Mo-Flow Ventilation for vents to help cool the sleds in the trees.…..and Truck Boss, after 4 years with our Marathon deck from Truck Boss, glad to say no problems – and we load and off-load sleds just about every day for almost 6 months……
But most of all I would like to thank all our new friends for making this year a real fun time in the Chic-Chocs in Québec, Gaspésie.
Next season we also hope to see a new, up and coming film company at The Sled Den - Excision Films.
Will be posting pics on Facebook and on this blog of sleds and other things going on…….
Just bought a dirt bike to go on rides - Bikes in the Backcountry……Side-by-sides are welcome in the backcountry too. Here you can drive in the park with a side-by-side…….but not a bike or ATV. Side-by-sides and 4X4 Jeeps and can drive almost anywhere here.
Have a great summer………
Man that hurts!!! ……..Jack