Whoohoo - the Sled Den is getting hammered….!!!!
When does 1 + 1 = 1?
Well, yesterday we got more than a foot at the Sled Den……and by this morning another foot fell…..put it together and there is now more than 2 feet of new snow that came down…..but because it was wet and heavy we only got a foot……Whoohoo…..
I have to clean another foot off my sled….2 days in a row…..The trails will be bumpy now ‘cause of all the new snow….It’s insane how much we have gotten.....and it looks like more today….!
Sled Den backyard........
I will see how much fell in the mountains when we go out today …..They already had 1 - 2 feet depending on the elevation and we’ll be riding the high mountains today…..Will report tonight on the conditions…..have been told there were 2 - 3 feet above 2500 ft....I shall get the pics for that…..
Hurry down ‘cause the snow in the Haute Gaspésie is stupid…..(seriously, bring a shovel ...lol)… the guy with the yellow hand guards is John…..Carl is the other guy…..
……more later, Jack
John playing........
Carl's turn.......