Left The Sled Den and rode up to see how things were in just about the only snow left in Quebec……
Found WAY MORE snow today compared to the last 3 years when I have ridden this late. The snow looks like it does in April here. We will ride at least 90% of what we ride in winter....there’s usually only 20% left by now……like where the snow blew deep.
The weekend is going to be EPIC with sooo many spots to check out…..easy ride in ‘cause there are no bare spots.
Pretty sure we will sidehill a really big area. Might even ride the trees if there aren’t too many fall downs……no stumps but lots of dead falls in between the bigger trees.
We are also going to rip some dirt bikes…..just to change it up a bit......
The fire on the beach will be good ‘cause the temps are warming for this weekend……
Will be posting for a few more weeks…….unless we get really hot weather…… or lots of rain…..or snow…..lol….. Yes, there was 8” of fresh in the backcountry today….
Sick to see new snow in May... I think we just might be riding in JUNE what we usually ride at this time of year…...